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Duo: Enroll a Mobile Device


11.0 - Updated on 11/20/23 by O'Neill, Erin

10.0 - Updated on 12/13/23 by O'Neill, Erin

9.0 - Updated on 12/13/23 by O'Neill, Erin

8.0 - Updated on 12/13/23 by O'Neill, Erin

7.0 - Updated on 04/16/23 by Gangloff, Christine

6.0 - Updated on 04/16/23 by Gangloff, Christine

5.0 - Updated on 03/18/22 by Gangloff, Christine

4.0 - Updated on 02/13/18 by Gangloff, Christine

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication adds a second layer of security to your Rowan account.

Strong passwords are essential, but they aren't enough. Phishing attacks and data breaches put all your passwords at risk, and you need additional security. With two-factor authentication, anyone trying to access your account must provide two proofs of ID:

Some services and websites refer to this as two-step authentication, two-step verification, or login verification.

Verifying your identity using your phone or other mobile device prevents anyone but you from logging in with your account, even if they know your password.

Rowan University uses a product called Duo for two-factor authentication.

Before You Begin

Register Your Device

From a desktop or laptop computer, go to and login with your Rowan network username and password.

If this is the first time you are enrolling, you will be asked to register a 6-digit Portal Security PIN.

You will need this PIN every time you login to the Duo Portal and it will enable you to obtain a bypass code which will provide you with temporary access to your account in the event that your Duo device is lost, stolen or otherwise inaccessible.

Click "Register PIN" and you will then be asked to enter that PIN again to validate it.


If this is not your first time logging in, you will be asked to Log In.



You will need to login using your Rowan Network account and then enter your Portal Security PIN.


Once you have logged in and vaildated your PIN, you will be taken to the Duo Portal.



Click "Register New Device" to begin the enrollment process.

Select "Mobile Device" and then enter your device's Phone Number and choose the device type.

At this time, only phones and tablets with cellular service can be enrolled.


Click Continue Registration and you will recieve a text message on your device containing a 6-digit validation code. enter the code and click "Continue Registration"



Another text message will then be sent to you with a link to install the Duo Mobile App. Please install it if you haven't already. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are accessing the Duo Portal from the device you are trying to register, a device that can't install the Duo Mobile App or if you have a Blackberry OS smartphone or some other device that can't scan the barcode, click the link below the QR code in order to complete the registration.

Once installed, open the App and click the "Plus Sign (+) icon" in the upper right corner of the App on iOS or the "Key+" icon on Andriod.


The camera will then open on your device for you to scan the QR code on your computer screen and add the Rowan University profile to your device. Once scanned, your device enrollment is complete and can be used for Duo authentication. You can click “Portal Home” to exit.



Your device is now registered and you will recieve Duo prompts when logging in to certain protected applications and websites.

Please see the following article for more information: Duo: Using Two-Factor Authentication to Log In