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ServiceNow: Reporting


ServiceNow: Reporting

Users can create personal reports for their own use in ServiceNow. This article outlines some basic reporting tasks and provides links to ServiceNow's reporting wiki for more detailed information. 

This article covers: 

Creating a new report

  1. Click Create New under Reports in the Application Navigator menu on the left.

  2. Choose the Data source for the report. Commonly used sources include these tables:
    1. Incident [incident]
    1. Knowledge [kb_knowledge]
    2. Request [sc_request]
    1. Change Request [change_request]
  3. Choose the Type of report and modify the features for that type. The type of report will determine the features available on the right. For instance, a List report type (see below for more information) allows you to choose the Columns that will display in the report.

  4. If desired, set the Group by option.

  5. Give your report a title.

  6. Click Run to see your report.

  7. Click Save to run your report and have it added to your list of reports found under View / Run > My Reports.

Using the list report type features

A List report type allows you to choose the Columns that will display in the report.

If there is a plus sign (+) after a field name on the list of available fields, that means that there are fields in a related table that you can include in your report. Select the field and click the + button between the Available and Selected field lists. The available fields list will then include the fields from the related table. To hide the related field list again, click the ' fields' list item above the related field list (see below).

Viewing an existing report

  1. Click View / Run under Reports in the Application Navigator menu on the left. A list of available reports in ServiceNow loads, depending on your access privileges.

  2. Click the link for a report to run it.
      • A report might be a graph, list, pivot table, or a specialized type.
      • You may be able to make changes to a global report and save a customized copy of the global version for yourself or your group, depending on your role. See Copy and modify existing reports below.

Copy and modify an existing report

  1. Click View / Run under Reports in the Application Navigator menu on the left. A list of available reports in ServiceNow loads, depending on your access privileges.
  2. Click the link for the report you want to copy.
  3. Click the down arrow to the right of the Save button and select Insert and Stay. A copy of the report opens with modifiable options at the top of the page.

  4. Modify the report as needed.
  5. Rename the report.
  6. Click Save.

Exporting and downloading reports 

Bar or pie charts can be saved as .jpg or .png files as long as there are enough criteria to split into pie "slices." List reports can be exported into PDF and Microsoft Excel .xlsx or .csv files.

  1. Run the report. 
  2. Export the data from the report.
    • Bar/pie charts
      1. Click the Chart context menu button above and to the right of the chart.

      2. Select the desired image type.
        Active chart context menu button. This button is located in the upper right corner of the chart.
    • List/table 
      1. Click a three-line menu button next to a column (or right-click between columns) of the report and click Export.

        It does not matter which column you choose in a list report. All columns will be exported. 
      2. Select desired report output type.
      3. Click Download after the data export finishes to download the file.
        ServiceNow Export Complete window.

Additional Information

Email if you have questions about creating or modifying reports in ServiceNow.

ServiceNow: Getting Started with Reports

ServiceNow also has a YouTube playlist with many instructional videos on reporting.