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Qualtrics: Embedded Data and Piped Text


6.0 - Updated on 03/06/25 by Pierce, Sheena

5.0 - Updated on 03/03/23 by Pierce, Sheena

4.0 - Updated on 02/23/23 by Hegel, Marybeth

3.0 - Updated on 01/11/23 by Pierce, Sheena

2.0 - Updated on 01/10/23 by Hegel, Marybeth

1.0 - Authored on 01/10/23 by Hegel, Marybeth


Embedded data is any extra information you would like recorded in your survey data in addition to the question responses. The value for your embedded data field can be pulled from data that you have uploaded into a contact list, information appended to the respondent’s survey link, built-in fields provided by Qualtrics, or values set in the survey flow.

Embedded data consists of a field and a value. The field is the name of your variable (e.g., Gender, State, Age). The value is what your field will be set to in your data. Just as one question can have multiple possible answers, an embedded data field can have multiple possible values (e.g., a field called Gender might have a value of Female, Male, or Other).

With piped text, you can customize question and answer choice wording for each respondent, allowing each of them to have a customized, dynamic, and personal survey experience. Piped text is a line of code you add to your survey that pulls information from different sources and displays that information to the respondent (or can be used in display logic, embedded data, and other areas).



Embed Data into a survey

1. Upload your contact list with the data you want to embed.  Make sure no fields (column heads) are duplicated or you will get an error. 

2. Go to your survey and select the Survey Flow icon. Select Add a New Element Here

3. Select Embed Data

4. Select the contact list and then select the fields you want to embed, or Select all. Select OK.

5. Once you distribute the survey to that distribution list, the embedded data will now show in the data collected from each survey.


6. If you need the embedded data to show in the the survey, go to the Survey, select where you want the embedded field and select Piped Text. Select Embedded Data Field. Find the field and then Insert. 

7. When the survey is distributed, each person will receive a personalized survey. 


8. For more information about embedded data and piped text see: