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Banner 9 (Administrative Pages): Section Attendance Verification


6.0 - Updated on 08/30/24 by Hawlik, Melissa

5.0 - Updated on 08/30/24 by Hawlik, Melissa

4.0 - Updated on 08/29/24 by Hawlik, Melissa

3.0 - Updated on 08/29/24 by Hawlik, Melissa

2.0 - Updated on 12/13/23 by Kincaid, Robin

1.0 - Authored on 08/16/16 by Hornibrook, Connor

Table of Contents 

Accessing Section Attendance Verification

  1. Access the Faculty Services page via
  2. Select the Section Attendance Verification link.

Selecting Terms & Courses

  1. Select the Terms drop-down menu and select the current term. 
  2. Select the Your Courses drop-down menu and select the first section you are teaching during this term.  
  3. The Class List will appear, including the students' photos, Banner IDs and preferred names.

Recording Attendance

  1. Select the All Attended button on the right side of the screen to mark all students AttendedNote: You can also use the radio button to change individual students to Never Attended, if needed.

  2. Select the None Attended button on the right side of the screen to mark all students Never Attended. Note: You can also use the radio button to change individual students to Attended, if needed.

  3. Use the radio buttons to select either Attended or Never Attended for each student in the section.


Confirming Attendance


  1.  Once you have completed recording attendance for each student in the section, select the Confirm Attendance button. 

  2. You will receive a message asking "Are you sure you want to confirm attendance for this class?"  Select Ok.

    Note: Once you have submitted the attendance for that section, no changes can be made. You will need to contact to make any changes.


Completing Remaining Section Attendance Verifications


  1. Return to the Faculty Services page via
  2. Select the Section Attendance Verification link.
  3. Select the Your Courses drop down menu.

  4. Any sections that you completed will now have an indicator that they are Verified and the students will be grayed out if you select that section.
  5. Select each of the each remaining sections you are teaching during this term.
  6. Follow the same directions as above to record and confirm attendance for each student


Note: If you are assigned additional students to a section after completing the Section Attendance Verification, you will need to verify that student's attendance using this form. The Verified indicator will no longer display for that course and that new student will not be grayed out. Follow the same directions as above.