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Banner Faculty Services Dashboard: Frequently Asked Questions


3.0 - Updated on 07/08/24 by Kincaid, Robin

2.0 - Updated on 12/13/23 by Gangloff (ADM), Christine

1.0 - Authored on 10/01/18 by Qureshi, Arafat

Banner Faculty Services Dashboard FAQ

With the implementation of the new Faculty Grade Entry module in Self-Service Banner, a new Faculty Services dashboard, like the one pictured below, has been introduced that includes links to frequently-used features by faculty, such as class lists, attendance verification and final grade entry.

For help using navigating this new dashboard, please see the following quick reference guides. We've also compiled a list of frequently asked questions below. 

Quick Reference Guides

Frequently Asked Questions


Why Was the Faculty Services Dashboard Launched?

Ellucian, the company that supports Banner, is planning to end support for the current version of Banner (Banner 8), so Rowan University is in the process of updating to the new version of Banner (Banner 9). This upgrade is being implemented in phases. 

Faculty Grade Entry, a new Banner 9 module, was launched in Self-Service Banner in fall 2018. The Faculty Services dashboard is tied to Faculty Grade Entry, so the new dashboard was also launched at the same time. 

Eventually, faculty members will only use the new Faculty Services dashboard to access faculty-related services in Self-Service Banner, so now is a good time to get familiar with the new dashboard. 

What Happened to the Faculty Services Tab in Self-Service Banner?

Nothing, for right now. The Faculty Services tab that faculty members are used to accessing in Self-Service Banner is still available with all of the usual links.   

So, Exactly What Has Changed?

Some links on the Faculty Services tab in Banner 8 are now leading to the new Faculty Services dashboard in Banner 9, rather than linking directly to the application. Faculty members who click on one of those links from the Faculty Services tab in Banner 8 will be directed to the new Faculty Services dashboard in Banner 9.  From there, faculty members can click on the relevant link to open the desired application. If they want to access a feature that has not been converted to the new Banner 9 dashboard, they can select a link on the bottom of the screen that will redirect them back to the Banner 8 Faculty Services page. 

This extra click is temporary. Once faculty members are familiar with the new Faculty Services dashboard and all applications have been converted to the new system, it will become the standard page for accessing faculty-related services in Self-Service Banner.

Which Links on the Faculty Services Tab Are Redirecting to the Faculty Services Dashboard?

You will note the first link on the Self-Service Banner Faculty Services page is now Faculty Services in Banner 9.  This link brings you directly to the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard.

You will also be redirected to the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard if you select one of the links below:

How Do I Access Class List and Detail Class List?

To access these applications, select Class List or Detail Class List from the Self-Service Banner Faculty Services tab, as you normally would. Selecting either one of those links will bring you to the new Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard.

From the dashboard, select Summary and Detailed Class Lists

The new Summary and Detailed Class Lists module, shown below, is new in Banner 9. It is more user friendly and provides more information (including Student Preferred Name) than the old Class List and Detail Class List applications.

 Why Can't I Access Midterm Grades Via Summary and Detailed Class Lists?

Although the Midterm column displays on the Summary and Detailed Class Lists page, the Enter Grade link defaults to the Final Grade field.  The University does not require official entry of mid-term grades in the student information system.  Departments or faculty who wish to keep their own records of mid-term grades may do so utilizing their own tracking system or document.

Why Aren't Only My Current Sections Displaying in Final Grade Entry?

The new Faculty Grade Entry Banner 9 module will list all sections taught by faculty members, not just the current sections.  However, the faculty members can search for the specific sections they want to grade by entering either the CRN, Course Title, Course Number or Term Code.  For example, if a faculty member only wants to view sections taught in the spring 2018 term, they would search by the Term Code "201820".  This will filter out any other sections and only list the spring 2018 sections.

Why Can't I See All of My Students in Final Grade Entry?

If the list of students in Final Grade Entry is more than one page long, use the navigation buttons on the bottom of the screen to move to other screens and display the remainder of students.


How Can Chairs, Advisor and Non-Assigned Administrators View Class Lists?

Although the new Summary and Detailed Class Lists feature on the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard has many new and improved options, such as Student Preferred Names, only faculty with assigned sections can access them.

Chairs, advisors and non-assigned administrators can utilize the Class Lists export to Microsoft Excel link on the Banner 8 Self-Service Faculty Services tab or the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard to export class lists from sections not assigned to them.


Select Class Lists export to Microsoft Excel.  Select the term and then Change Term for CRNs (if needed). 

To select multiple terms sequentially, hold down the Shift key and select with the mouse.  To select multiple terms non-sequentially, hold down the Ctrl key and select with the mouse.  Customize the export using the left-hand menu (if needed) and then select Export CRNs Selected from the List

The class list will download and you can open in Microsoft Excel.  Depending on how you customized your export, you may have all lists on one sheet or on multiple tabs.

How Can I Email My Class List?

Faculty can send an email to their class using the new Banner 9 Faculty Service dashboard. Please follow the steps below and refer to the included screenshots.

Go to Self-Service Banner, select the Faculty Services tab and then select Class List.  You will be redirected to the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard.   Click on Summary and Detailed Class Lists.

  1. Open the CRN Listing screen and instead of selecting the course title, click on any whitespace (blank space) within the row.

  1. A new screen with your class list will open.
  2. Select the individual students you would like to send an email to, or select the checkbox on the top of the column to select all students with one click.
  3. Click on the email icon to send an email to all selected students.
  4. Your default email client should then open with a blank message and all of the student email addresses listed in the "To" field.

How Can I Review Wait Lists?

The Detail Wait List feature can be accessed directly from the Self-Service Banner Faculty Services tab or a link on the Banner 9 Faculty Services dashboard. 


Faculty accessing their own courses will select the term and then select Submit.  They will then be able to select their section(s) CRN from a drop down menu. 


Chairs, advisors and other non-assigned administrators can access wait lists for classes by selecting Enter CRN directly and entering the CRN into the field.  Then they will select Submit.



Once the section is selected, the Detail Wait List screen will open.  Select the blue Wait List hyperlink to open the Summary Wait List screen



****NOTE**** The Detail Wait List is still a Banner 8 form, so advanced Banner 9 features, such as Student Preferred Name, will not be available.


I Am Getting a Login/Password/Access Denied Error When I Try to Access My Class List or Some Other Applications on the Faculty Services Dashboard. What Can I Do?

If you are accessing the applications on campus, try closing all browser windows and start again, or try using a different browser.

If that doesn't resolve the error, please report the issue to with screenshots of the error and as much details as possible. We will try to resolve the issue as soon as possible.