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Concur: Training Resources


12.0 - Updated on 10/14/24 by Pierce, Sheena

11.0 - Updated on 11/14/22 by Pierce, Sheena

10.0 - Updated on 11/07/22 by Pierce, Sheena

9.0 - Updated on 10/31/22 by Pierce, Sheena

8.0 - Updated on 10/06/22 by Hawlik, Melissa

7.0 - Updated on 09/22/22 by Pierce, Sheena

6.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

5.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

4.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

3.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

2.0 - Updated on 09/01/22 by Pierce, Sheena


This knowledge base article provides the necessary training materials to assist when utilizing all features of the Concur Travel & Expense software. These materials are based on various functions that can be performed in Concur such as; how to set up a profile, create a request, submit expense reports (day or overnight), approve requests, delegate permissions, and much more. Review the training materials below for help with Concur based on your Concur needs.

Note: All users must complete the required fields of their Concur Profile before traveling on official university business. In addition to the Concur system requirements, Rowan University requires approval designation. Request and expense approvers must be entered in the Profile section under Request Settings and Expense Settings before utilizing the system. Failure to do so will result in system errors which will not allow the request or expense report to flow to the proper approvers.


Table of Contents



Getting Started in Concur

Create a Travel Request

Overnight Travel

Expense Reports

Day Travel

Overnight Travel



Assistants and Travel Arrangers


  • Approve a Request
  • Approve an Expense Report Video (Coming Soon)
  • Approve a Request Video (Coming Soon)


Additional Resources


If you have questions or need further assistance, please email