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My Requisitions: Create a Regular Order - Commodity Level Accounting


22.0 - Updated on 07/05/24 by Gangloff, Christine

21.0 - Updated on 05/17/24 by Pierce, Sheena

20.0 - Updated on 02/21/24 by Pierce, Sheena

19.0 - Updated on 02/16/24 by Pierce, Sheena

18.0 - Updated on 01/28/24 by Pierce, Sheena

17.0 - Updated on 12/06/23 by Pierce, Sheena

16.0 - Updated on 11/22/23 by Pierce, Sheena

15.0 - Updated on 10/27/23 by Pierce, Sheena

14.0 - Updated on 10/27/23 by Pierce, Sheena

13.0 - Updated on 08/30/23 by Pierce, Sheena


In this article, you will learn how to create regular orders using commodity-level accounting in the My Requisitions module.


Helpful Reminders before ordering:

  • Technology orders (hardware and software):
    • First, place an order through the service catalog in the Rowan Support Portal. You will need the REQ number from your request to place a requisition. Note: Check out the guide for a step-by-step process on buying technology.
  • Contracts or Sole Source
    • If you are entering an order for a standard contract, you must submit a request through the contract request portal. You will need the contract request number from your request to place a requisition. Note: Please wait for approval from the Office of Contracting and Procurement before submitting a requisition.
    • For orders that require a sole source, submit a request via the sole source request portal. You will need the sole source request number from your request to place a requisition. Note: Please wait for approval from the Office of Contracting and Procurement before submitting a requisition. 
  • Fixed Asset Purchases (Purchases over $5K):
    • Refer to the Fixed Asset training from Banner 9 Administrative Pages for purchases over $5K before placing a requisition.



Commodity Level Accounting vs. Document Level Accounting 

When should I use Commodity Level Accounting or Document Level Accounting? 


Here are a few ways to help you decide: 


Commodity Level Accounting:


With Commodity Level Accounting, you can assign a specific FOAPAL to each commodity or item in your requisition. For example, if you are ordering equipment with grants but the grant won't pay for shipping, then you would use Commodity Level Accounting. This will ensure that when the invoice comes in for the equipment, it is paid from the correct FOAPAL, and the shipping is also paid from the correct FOAPAL.


When to use Commodity Level Accounting:

  • Fixed asset requisitions that have more than one account code.
  • When you have to split FOAPALs. 
  • Multiple account payments on one purchase order. 

Review the steps in the next section to create an order using commodity-level accounting.


Document Level Accounting:


In Document Level Accounting, the FOAPAL funds are distributed among the line items each time an invoice comes in by the percent or ratio you put in the accounting section of the requisition. For instance, if you split the accounting 50/50, every time an invoice comes in for that PO, it gets paid 50% out of each FOAPAL. If you indicate that $100 out of FOAPAL A and $50 out of FOAPAL B, the ratio is 2 to 1; so if an invoice comes in for $30, then $20 will be paid by FOAPAL A and $10 will be paid from FOAPAL B.


When to use Document Level Accounting:

  • Splitting FOAPAL accounts is even 50/50.

Review the steps in the article or video to create an order using document-level accounting.


Requisition - Create a Regular Order - Commodity Level Accounting 

IMPORTANT NOTE: You should check if the Vendor you purchase from is active before creating a requisition. You can view the Purchasing Vendor Hold and Termination Report in Cognos.  To view the report, you must have access to Cognos. To request access email

Review the steps below or view the How to Search for a Vendor video:

  • Log into the Banner 9 Administrative Pages go to the FPAREQN form.
  • Enter Next and Select Go.
  • Enter Delivery Date.
  • Enter the Requestor's/Delivery Information
  • Select the Down Arrow
  • Select the three dots for Vendor.
  • Select Entity Name/ID Search (FTIIDEN)
  • Select Advanced Filter
  • Select Contains next to Last Name.
  • Enter the Vendor's Name
  • Select Go.
  • Double-click the Vendor's Banner ID
  • To view the address, select the three dots next to Address Type.
  • Select the arrows at the bottom to view all of the existing addresses.
  • Double-click the desired address type.
  • Note the Vendor ID and Address.
  • When you are done, select delete and then select delete again.
  • Select Ok

You should see a message that you have deleted the requisition.


To learn how to create a regular order using commodity-level accounting, follow the steps below:

  1. Once you log into the Self-Service Banner, select the Finance tab.
  2. Select the My Requisition module from the dashboard.
  3. Select the Create Requisition button.
  4. Enter the Requestor Information. Note: The required fields are labeled with a red asterisk.
    • Notice the Requestor field is automatically generated with your name.
  5. Enter or Select the calendar icon to add the transaction and delivery date.
  6. Enter the Requestor's email address.
  7. Choose Commodity Accounting Type. Note: The default is Document Level Accounting. To use Document Level Accounting, review the steps in the Document-Level Accounting article.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind that once you select an Accounting Type and the Requisition has been saved as a draft, you cannot change the Accounting Type.

  8.  Under Requisition Comments, you will see Public and Private Comments. Use the Public Comments to communicate additional information about your order to the Purchasing department or the vendor, such as if it is a standing order, IRT order, special instructions, or a quote number.
    • The comments added to the public comments box will show on an actual purchase order. For IRT purchases (hardware or software), include the REQ number from your request in the comments. You can also have the request numbers from your contract and sole source requests. Note: Do NOT put special instructions to Accounts Payable here (such as payment instructions). They will NOT see it. Contact Accounts Payable directly.
    • Use the Private Comment box to indicate a standing order or information not needing to be printed on the purchase order. Note: Private comments will not appear on the Purchase Order. View the standing order article to learn more about creating a standing order.

Important Note: Do NOT put new vendor information here. You can only enter vendors with existing Vendor IDs. To have a new vendor-approved, you must collect the vendor's W9 and enter a request in the vendor portal.

9. Under Chart, select R for Rowan University. Note: If you request an order for RGI, you will select G.

10. Enter your Org. You can Select the drop-down location to select your Org.

11. Enter your Ship To Code Location. Select the drop-down to look up your shipping location.

12. The Attention To field will automatically populate once the Ship To Location is selected. You can update the Attention To field and change it to add your name.

13. Select Next to move on to the Vendor Information section.

  • Notice the Requisition number is now under the Requisition Summary, and the requisition has been saved as a draft.

14. Search or enter the Vendor. If multiple addresses are listed for the vendor, choose the correct address that matches what is on the invoice.

Important Note: DO NOT Check Choose Vendor for me. If you cannot find an active vendor, please search for the vendor id in the FPAREQN form in Banner Administrative Pages. You can also check out the search for vendor video to learn more about searching for a vendor. You can also view the Purchasing Vendor Hold and Termination Report in Cognos. To view the report you must have access to Cognos. To request access email

  • Do NOT put new vendor information here. You can only enter vendors with existing Vendor IDs. To have a new vendor approved, you must collect the vendor's W9 and enter a request in the vendor portal.

15. Select the vendor. The vendor address and email should populate. Note: If the vendor email address does not populate, select the dropdown under vendor email, and the email address will populate.

16. Under Currency, select USD United States Dollars.

17. Select Next to add your Items to the requisition.

  • Notice the Vendor Information has been added to the Requisition Summary section and the Requisition has been saved as a draft.

18. Under Add Commodity Codes, enter or search for the commodity code for the item. Note: Here is a list of the commodity codes. Also, remember that if you order any technology, you must create an ITAP and use the IT Commodity Codes that start with IT.

19. Select the Commodity Code. The Commodity Description field will appear.

20. Remove the default commodity description under the item code and enter the item description.

21. Enter the item text and additional comments specific to the item in the Public Comments box under the Commodity Comments section. Remember the comments will appear on the purchase order. See the screenshots below. Note: Private Comment is optional and will not appear in the PO.

22. Select and add Unit of Measure, Quantity, and Unit Price. The commodity item total will appear once you add the quantity and unit price.

23. Select Add Accounting to enter the FOAPAL you will charge for this item.

  • Notice that the item has been added to the Requisition Summary.

24. Enter the FOAPAL for the item. 

    • Enter R for Rowan University under Chart. Note: For RGI, enter G.
    • Enter Fund and Org.

25. Under the Account dropdown, enter or search for the Banner  Account Code you are charging the item. Note: Here is a list of the banner account codes.

26. Enter Program. Note: Skip Activity, Location, and Project (not used at Rowan).

27. Enter Distribution Amount and Percent.

Keep in mind:

  • Percentage of funds being applied to the requisition. 
  • Funds can be split between multiple organizations and account numbers. 
  • Totals must equal 100%. 
  • Dollars equal dollar amount being applied to the requisition. 
  • Funds can be divided between multiple organizations' account numbers.
  • The total must equal the entire dollar amount.

28. Select Save.

Note: if you have to delete the item select the item under the requisition summary and select delete item at the top.

If you need to split your accounting, continue to the split accounting section; otherwise, continue to add another item; or submit and complete a requisition.

Split Accounting

  1. Enter the amount that will be paid from the FOAPAL. Select Split Accounting to add the other account.
  2. Add the account number that will be paid from the FOAPAL.
  3. Select Save to add another item or complete the requisition.
    • TIP: Select the Percentage Funding in the Requisition Summary.
    • Notice in the Requisition Summary how the item for each FOAPAL outlines every dollar and percentage used in the requisition summary.

Add another item

To add another item and FOAPAL repeat steps 18-28. Note: If you are using a different FOAPAL add the new FOAPAL after selecting Add Accounting. Select Save when done.

To complete your requisition, move to the complete requisition section.

Submit and Complete Requisition

  1. Select Submit Requisition to complete the order.

Note: To print your requisition and save the number, select View as PDF and then select the Print tool.

2. You will see a notification that the requisition has been completed successfully!  Note: The requisition has been moved to Pending requisitions.

Important Note: Email your price quote, invoice, or any other attachments to If this is an IRT order, please include your quote, order email from IRT, and requisition number. Do NOT send a screenshot of your completed requisition in the email.

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