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Concur: Create a Day Travel Monthly Expense Report


15.0 - Updated on 11/15/24 by Pierce, Sheena

14.0 - Updated on 11/15/24 by Pierce, Sheena

13.0 - Updated on 09/02/24 by Hawlik, Melissa

12.0 - Updated on 11/14/22 by Pierce, Sheena

11.0 - Updated on 10/31/22 by Pierce, Sheena

10.0 - Updated on 10/07/22 by Pierce, Sheena

9.0 - Updated on 10/05/22 by Pierce, Sheena

8.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

7.0 - Updated on 10/03/22 by Pierce, Sheena

6.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

5.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

4.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

3.0 - Updated on 08/31/22 by Pierce, Sheena

2.0 - Updated on 08/31/22 by Pierce, Sheena


Day Travel consists of attending official University business without the need to stay overnight. A Request or Encumbrance Approval Number (E#) is not required for Day Travel.  Reimbursable expenses for Day Travel include: mileage, tolls, parking, conference fees, workshop fees, or training fees. The University's method of submission for Day Travel is a Monthly Expense Report. This will streamline the process by reducing submissions, approvals, and cash disbursements. Monthly Submission deadline for Day Travel is 45 days after the end of each month. Failure to observe this deadline could lead to denial of reimbursement.  

For more help with Concur, view the Concur training resource knowledge base article.

Before completing this tasks, you will need to:

Table of Contents

Requirements and Reminders for Submitting a Day Travel Monthly Expense

  • Create one Expense Report per month for all car mileage and related expenses.
  • Utilize the"Campus to Campus" mileage when traveling between Rowan Glassboro, CMSRU Camden, and Rowan SOM Stratford. Campus to Campus mileage is predetermined miles between our three campuses and was created to streamline our travel procedures.  To learn more review the Campus to Campus mileage knowledge base article.
  • Do not submit your mileage Expense Report until you have completed all University official business travel for the month. 

For more requirements and reminders for submitting a day travel expense, refer to the Accounts Payable Website.



Creating an Expense Report for Day Travel

  1. From the Concur home page, either:
    • Hover over + New and select Start a Report.
    • Or select Expense on the header toolbar, then select Create a New Report.
  2. Create a New Report: Complete all the required fields denoted by a red asterisk in the form. Note: No Encumbrance Approval Number (E#) is required for Day Travel.

    • Report Name (required format): Month, Year, Day Travel (example: March 2020 Day Travel)
    • Report/Trip Start Date: First date of travel
    • Report/Trip End Date: Last date of travel
    • Report/Trip Purpose: Select from drop down menu.
    • Trip Type: Select Day Travel from the drop down menu.
    • Fund: Select or slowly type the Fund from the drop-down menu where the expense will be charged.
    • Department/Org: Select or enter the Department/Org from the drop-down menu where the expense will be charged. Note: If you do not see your fund in the dropdown, slowly type the fund until it appears at the bottom of the search window.
    • Travel Account: Select 7216 (Travel) for personal car mileage. Note: Personal car mileage will be charged to 7215 behind the scenes.
    • Program: Select or enter the Program from the drop-down menu where the expense will be charged. Note: The program number should automatically generate once selected.
  3. Finish completing all of the required fields. Scroll to the bottom until you see Claim Travel Allowance. You will see a question asking, "Was this trip for overnight travel or for recruiting?" Answer No, I do not want to claim Travel Allowance, unless your trip was for recruiting purposes. Note: The university policy does not reimburse meals for day travel.
  4. Select the Create Report button on the bottom right corner of the screen.

Entering Personal Car Mileage

  1. The New Expenses new window will appear. Next, we want to enter the Personal Car Mileage. Select Add Expense under Report Details.
  2. A new Add Expense window will appear. Scroll down or search and type Personal Car Mileage in the search expense type. Select Personal Car Mileage.
  3. A new detailed form will appear. Select the Mileage Calculator link on the top right corner of the form.
  4. A map will appear with your home address auto-populated. Modify the Waypoints based on your trip. Note: On the left side under Waypoints you will see, Waypoint A the start address, Waypoint B the end destination address.  Important Note: A physical street address must be entered for all Waypoints. Entering only a city name as the Waypoint will result in a returned report.
  5. Select Calculate Route.
  6. If there are multiple routes, select the suggested route with the shortest distance Directions . The map will update to that route. Important Note: Do NOT enter Waypoint C or select Make Round Trip. If these selections are utilized the Expense Report will be returned(bold) for correction.
  7. If you left from home, be sure to check the "Deduct Commute" box in the bottom left corner of the window. This will automatically deduct your daily commute from the trip. Note: Individuals will be reimbursed for miles incurred in excess of daily commute.
  8. Select Add Mileage to Expense on the bottom right corner of the window.
  9. Complete all the required fields denoted by a red asterisk. Note: The From Location and To Location will automatically update based on the Mileage Calculator. Review the description of each required field below.

    • Expense Type: Personal Car Mileage
    • Transaction Date: First date of travel
    • Purpose of Trip:  The reason for your trip
    • From Location:   Will update based on Mileage Calculator
    • To Location:  Will update based on Mileage Calculator
    • Distance: Will update based on Mileage Calculator
    • Vehicle ID:  Select from the drop down menu the IRS Rate, or the State of NJ Grants if grant funded.

Allocate Expenses

  1. To allocate expenses or split expenses to FOAPALs other than the default FOAPAL used in the Report Header, select Allocate at the top next to Mileage Calculator.
  2. A new window will appear. Select Add to add your FOAPAL. Note: You will need the FOAPAL information to add the FOAPAL.
  3. Enter the appropriate required FOAPAL information. Select Save.
  4. A window will appear with the new FOAPAL. Select Add again to add the next FOAPAL. Repeat the steps 2 & 3 listed above to add the next FOAPAL. Note: You can select Add as a Favorite to avoid re-entering FOAPALs.
  5. Under the Allocations section, check the box(es) for the expense type(s) you want to allocate. Note: If the FOAPAL will be split, verify the amounts. To the right of the FOAPAL, you will see the total percentage you are allocating. At the top you will see how much you have allocated and the remaining allocation. Use this to ensure the sum of the transactions is equal to the total.
  6. When allocating is complete, select Save in the bottom right corner.
  7. A message will appear that states "Allocation(s) Saved".  

Finish and Review Personal Car Mileage

  1. Select Save Expense from the bottom right corner of the window. The mileage expense will populate on the left side of the screen.
  2. You will see Allocated under the total amount you have allocated.
  3. When you select Allocated, it will show the allocation breakdown by percentage. Note: You can also View Allocation to get a full breakdown on what was entered.
  4. Repeat steps 1-3 above for any additional mileage expenses

Add Additional Reimbursement Expenses

  1. For any additional reimbursable expenses such as parking, tolls, registration fees, etc., select Add Expense.
  2. Select or search the expense type.
  3. Enter the required information denoted by a red asterisk.
  4. Select Upload Receipt if the expense is over $25; otherwise, select Save Expense and skip to step 6.
  5. A New window will appear. If the file is saved on your computer select Upload Receipt Image. Select the name of the file, and select Open. You will be re-directed to the expense form. Note: Select Allocate in the top left corner of the form if this travel will be paid by another FOAPAL. See instructions above steps #1-7 in the Allocate Expenses section.
  6. Select Save Expense at the bottom left corner of the Expense window.
  7. Repeat steps 1 - 6 to add any additional expenses.

Submit Monthly Day Travel

  1. Once you have added all of your expenses for the Monthly Day Travel, select Submit Report in the top right corner.
  2. A new window will appear with the User Electronic Agreement, read the agreement, and select Accept & Continue.
  3. A new window will appear stating "Report Totals" with the information regarding the Expense Report. Select Submit Report.
  4. A new window will appear stating "Report Status" with the information regarding the Expense Report Submitted. Select Close.


Additional Resources


If you have questions or need further assistance, please email