This article provides instructions for new Rowan University students to set up their Rowan NetID, find their Banner ID and access their email for the first time.
Your Rowan NetID is your key to accessing online Rowan University services. With your Rowan NetID, you can log in to Canvas, RowanWiFi, Self-Service Banner, Google Drive, your Rowan email and Rowan-managed computers in computer labs and elsewhere.
To set up your Rowan NetID:
- Go to
- Click the Other Login button
- Enter the requested biographical information to verify your account and click Verify.
NOTE: If you do not have a Social Security number on file with Rowan University, enter your Banner ID in the social security number field.
NOTE: You should be able to set up your Rowan NetID 48 hours after you pay your admissions deposit. If you believe you have been recently admitted and paid your deposit, but receive a "No Network Account" error, please contact the Registrar for your campus. - You will be prompted to enroll in Duo two-factor authentication. Click Register Mobile Device.
NOTE: We recommend using the Duo Mobile app, so these directions will show the steps for setting up the app on your phone, but you can also use SMS on a mobile device, or enroll a landline phone number or hardware token. - Enter and verify your phone number, select your device platform and click Continue Registration.
NOTE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS: Duo supports international numbers in the E.164 format. If you do not have access to a number in this format, please contact us for help enrolling in Duo at 856-256-4400 or
Enter the 6-digit validation code and click Continue Registration - You will now see a screen containing a QR Code and another text message will be sent to you with a link to install the Duo Mobile App. Please install the app, if you haven't already.
- Open the Duo Mobile app on your device and click the + icon in the upper-right corner of the app
- Click Use QR code on your phone and scan the QR code.
NOTE: If you are accessing the Duo Portal from the device you are trying to register, a device that can't install the Duo Mobile App or if you have a Blackberry OS smartphone or some other device that can't scan the barcode, click the link below the QR code in order to complete the registration.
NOTE: You must have a screen lock enabled on your device to use the Duo Mobile app. - Once you've set up Duo Mobile, click Continue.
- You will now be prompted to verify your identity with Duo two-factor authentication with the device you enrolled in the previous steps. Click Yes.
- Click Send Me a Push if you set up the Duo Mobile app. For help using Duo, see our article on logging in using Duo.
- You'll then be directed to a page to update your password. Enter and verify your new password, and click Update Password.
- Your Rowan NetID is now set up! You can now access the online digital resources available to you as a Rowan University student.
Rowan University assigns a unique nine-digit Banner ID number to every member of the Rowan community. You may be asked for your Banner ID when submitting internal forms and applications or to help verify your identity.
As a new student, you will receive your nine-digit Banner ID in your admissions and orientation materials. You can also locate your Banner ID at or on your applicant status page.
You can also locate your Banner ID at
- Log in to with your Rowan NetID.
- Your Banner ID is located in the "My Information" section.
Most students receive a Rowan Gmail address to manage University correspondence. Your email address is your NetID username plus Log in to to access your email account.
If you are a medical student at CMSRU or RowanSOM, you can access your Rowan University email through the Outlook Web App, Outlook for desktop or the Outlook Mobile app. Visit the IRT website for more information about email for medical students.
You can find your email address at
- Log in to with your Rowan NetID.
- Your email address is located in the "My Information" section.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Technology Support Center at 856-256-4400. You can also email for assistance.