Point Solutions: Student’s Guide
Setting Up Your Point Solutions Account
Joining a Point Solutions Session
Setting Up Your Point Solutions Account
1. For incoming SOM medical school students, a verification email will be sent to your Rowan email from Echo360/Point Solutions. Click the link in the email to verify your account.
You will likely receive this email AFTER Orientation week. If you did not get that email, contact Academic Affairs that your account has been created. Once confirmed, if you still don’t see the email, please check your deleted email or junk mail boxes. If you still can’t find the email, see steps 4 and 5.
2. Follow all onscreen prompts to create your account. Note that SOM students already have a 2-year license so you do not need to enter anything asking for a code or purchasing a subscription.
3. Create a unique Point Solutions password.
4. Once account creation is complete, log out and log back in. https://student.turningtechnologies.com
5. Enter your Rowan University email address and Sign In. Enter your password.
Click Forget Password if need assistance with your account/password creation.
6. Congratulations! Your profile page should be displayed. You have now successfully setup your Point Solutions account and are ready to use it. When done, click Sign Out.
Joining a Point Solutions Session
1. If you wish to use Point Solutions on your mobile device, download the FREE App from the App store (iOS and Android both supported).
2. To join a session either go to http://student.turningtechnologies.com or http://ttpoll.com or open the app on your device.
Your instructor will provide you with the Session ID. Enter that into the box and click Join Session.
3. This will prompt you to enter your Rowan email and click Sign In.
4. Then enter your Password and click Sign In.
5. The first question appears on-screen after the presenter opens polling. Click the number(s) or letter(s) button that corresponds to your answer choice. A box around your answer choice confirms your answer has been received and recorded. The results appear after polling is closed. (*Note: The presenter may have enabled to allow multiple responses. If so, click all answer buttons that apply.)
6. You may change your answer at any time while polling remains open. Simply click another answer choice. The box should then only appear around your new answer choice.
7. If results are activated by the instructor, they will immediately display on the presentation slide and your device after polling is closed along with your answer and correct answer (if there is one).
8. Other questions will appear on screen as their polling is opened.
9. When finished, click Leave on the left-hand side to exit the session.
1. You can see polling sessions that have been scheduled by going to your account online at http://student.turningtechnologies.com or login through the Point Solutions app.
2. Navigate to courses, click View to enter the course the poll is listed.
Note: There may be a Mock Poll available in the “SOM Student Resources” course.
3. Click Join to begin the polling session.
4. Questions will display individually.
For Turning Point assistance, please email: SOMAT@rowan.edu or call 856-256-4400