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Increasing Rows in FUPLOAD Template


2.0 - Updated on 07/18/23 by Kincaid, Robin

1.0 - Authored on 06/28/18 by Corum, David

Visual Basic – Modules, “Module 1”


  1. Allow extra rows in the “SendJV” macro edits:  Change the number of rows from 250 to 2000 in the Visual Basic macros.  (There are 2 hits for “250” in the macro.)  Only one of these changes is functional, the other is just text for an error message alert box. 
  1. Update the Creation of Export worksheet in the “SendJV” macro:  Change A252 to A2002; change A253 to A2003; and change A254 to A2004 
  1. Update the “Clear JV” macro:  Change H262 to H2012.


Visual Basic – Microsoft Excel Objects, “Sheet1 (JV)”


  1. Allow extra rows in the automatic edit for “dual entry” in both of the Debit and Credit columns:  Change the number of rows from 262 to 2012.  (There is only one hit for “262” in the macro.)


JV Worksheet


  1. Insert extra rows (items 5-9):  Select the entire row 261 by clicking the row number itself.
  2. Copy the highlighted row 261 (don’t paste it though).
  3. Now select the entire row 262 by clicking the row number itself.
  4. Then hold down the Shift key and use the Page Down key until you can see row 2011.  Click the entire row 2011 and then you can release the Shift key.  The highlighted rows are your 1750-row target range to paste into.
  5. Use the command Insert/Copied Cells – this will perform the insert & copy together at the same time, and your last data entry row on the “JV” worksheet should now be row 2012.  (Basically, you’ve just inserted 1750 rows between row 261 and 262, copying from row 261.)  Note:  Worksheet protection must be off to perform this action. 
  1. Update the Warning Message:  In the two cells I7 & I8 in the “JV” worksheet, change 250 to 2000; and change 225 to 1975.


Data Worksheet


  1. Insert extra rows (items 11 – 17):  Look at the formulas in column D, for example, on rows 252 and 253 (i.e. the row number 252 & 253, not the title text “Detail xxx”).  You’ll notice there’s a gap between J261 and J2012 in the formula, which represents the extra 1750 rows that need to be inserted into this “Data” worksheet.
  2. Select the entire row 252 by clicking the row number itself.
  3. Copy the highlighted row 252 (don’t paste it though).
  4. Now select the entire row 253 by clicking the row number itself.
  5. Then hold down the Shift key and use the Page Down key until you can see row 2002.  Click the entire row 2002 and then you can release the Shift key.  The highlighted rows are your 1750-row target range to paste into.
  6. Use the command Insert/Copied Cells – this will perform the insert & copy together at the same time, and your last numbered data row on the “Data” worksheet should now be row 2003.  (You should have just inserted 1750 rows between row 252 and 253, copying from row 252.)  Note:  Worksheet protection must be off to perform this action.
  7. To verify, look at your formulas in D2002:D2004 which should reference J2011:J2013. 
  1. Title Cleanup:  The descriptions for Detail xxx in the “Data” worksheet need to be fixed for rows 253 to 2003 to read “Detail 250” to “Detail 2000”.  These values are not going to change the spreadsheet processing, but they are a very handy reference that should be corrected.  You could insert a couple of working columns to concatenate the appropriate value of “Detail” with a one-up formula starting at 250, and then copy the result over the old titles which read “Detail 249” and “Detail 250”.