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Request Testing Accommodations


2.0 - Updated on 10/07/24 by Kincaid, Robin

1.0 - Authored on 09/09/20 by Kincaid, Robin

To request testing accommodations. 

  1. Go to the Disability Resources website
  2. Click Go to "AIM" from the left panel

  3. Enter your Rowan NetID. Click Login. Complete Duo if prompted.

    NOTE: Before requesting test accommodations, have a meeting with your instructor about the dates of your exams and your testing accommodations. The date and time of your alternative testing should start close to the time the class is also taking the test. The instructor will receive all alternative testing requests and can dispute them if the timing of the alternative testing arrangements is not appropriate for that exam.

    For test accommodations, you will complete the testing information form for each exam in each class.

  4. To schedule each exam, under "My Accommodations," click Alternative Testing

  5. You will see the list of tests you have already scheduled under "Upcoming Exam Requests for the Current Term"

  6.  Under "Accommodated Testing Information Form(s)" at the top of the page, select the class from the Select Class drop-down menu 

  7. Click Schedule an Exam

  8. In the "Exam Request" form, click on the Exam Schedule Availability to review available dates and times to take the exam and review the terms and conditions 

  9. In "Exam Detail," select the Request Type (Exam/test, Final or Quiz) from the drop-down menu

  10. Enter the date you are requesting to take the test in the following format Month/Day/Year (i.e. 12/31/2010)
  11. Enter the time you wish to take the test

  12. Select checkboxes next to any services requested

  13. Acknowledge the Terms and Conditions by checking the box and click Add Exam Request

  14. You will receive a notification that your request was successfully processed at the top of the page. If you make your request at least five days in advance, they are automatically approved.

  15. You can review your alternative exams by going back to My Accommodations > Alternative Testing.

    You will see all your requests listed. You can select Modify Request or Cancel Request, if needed.  If you modify, you will enter the reason for the modification. Then click Update Exam Request.

  16. Once the exam has been requested, the instructor will receive an email requesting that the test be sent to the Testing Center. The instructor could dispute the request, if the appointment differs significantly from when the rest of the class is taking the exam. The student will also be copied on each email to the instructor.

  17. You can check on all emails sent about your accommodation requests by clicking My Mailbox (Sent E-Mails) under the "Home" section in the left panel

For more information, visit the Rowan Testing Services website.