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Banner: How to Provide Proxy and FERPA Access


3.0 - Updated on 12/01/23 by Kincaid, Robin

2.0 - Updated on 07/27/22 by Kincaid, Robin

1.0 - Authored on 03/03/21 by Hornibrook, Connor


What is a Proxy?  A proxy is an individual that a student gives permission to view certain screens of their online information. Students can designate the following individuals as their proxies:  parents, spouses or significant others, advocates, employers and some organizations that provide scholarships.

Students may give proxies permission to view all or some of the following screens:

Proxy access only allows the individual to view the information.  If the proxy wishes to speak to a Rowan University office regarding the student's information, the student will need to grant FERPA access and create a passphrase for the proxy.  This is part of the directions below.

We have created a web page ( as a one-stop shop for creating and managing proxies and FERPA access. Students and proxies will be directed here to set up and access the proxy system using a simple four step process. There are directional videos for each step on the web page.

STEP 1:  Student Designates Proxy

Go to and select the Student Access link.  If you are not already logged in to a Rowan Single Sign On application, you will need to log in via CAS.  

Once you are logged in, then you will be brought to your profile page in Banner.  Select Proxy Management, then the +Add New link.  

You will be brought to the Proxy Information screen.

Enter the first and last name of the proxy, as well as a valid email address (NOTE:  Proxy must have a valid email address in order to access the system).  Confirm the email.  

Select the correct Relationship of the proxy to you.  

Enter the dates you want your proxy to have access to this information in Banner.  You will have the ability to change your mind later and edit these dates if you so choose. 

You can add a Description, or leave blank if you prefer.  

You will then select the Authorizations for that proxy. Your choices are your Award Package, your current or past financial Award History, your Week at a Glance course schedule, your Financial Aid Status, your mid term or final Grades and any Holds on your account.

You can Select All, or select individually.  

You can also Copy Authorizations from another Proxy in your system, if applicable. 
Once you have made your selections, select Submit.

Once you submit, you should see a message in the upper right-hand corner letting you know your proxy has been created.

Once their account has been created, the proxy will be listed on your Proxy Management page.  You can select the pencil icon to enter their record and edit any information you would like, including their relationship to you, the start and stop dates and the assigned authorizations.

Your proxy will be emailed a notification that you have designated them as a proxy. If it is their first time as a proxy at Rowan University, they will also be sent an email instructing them how to set up their proxy account.  They will see what screens you have given them access to once they log in to the system. You will be copied on these emails so that you will know what they received if they need help.

STEP 2:  Student Provides FERPA Access (Optional)

What is FERPA?  The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects student information.

You may provide access to a proxy to view certain records using the Proxy system, but a proxy will not be able to discuss your information with Rowan University administrators or request copies unless you provide written consent.  

If you want your proxy to have the ability to call Rowan University offices to discuss your account, schedule or grades, you can provide them with a FERPA passphrase. 

To grant FERPA access, go to  Then select the Student FERPA Access button.   

You will be brought into the FERPA Authorization form.  Select the Add FERPA Authorization button at the bottom of the screen.


Select the proxy from your list of Current Proxies. Create a Passphrase that they will use to identify themselves when calling a Rowan University office. Select the gold save button. You will be prompted to confirm you want to designate this person for FERPA access.  Select OK to confirm.   

PLEASE NOTE:  You can also change an existing FERPA passcode for a proxy using this screen by selecting the proxy and then entering in the new passphrase.  

The proxy will now be listed on the FERPA Authorization page with the Valid End Date you chose when creating their proxy account. If you hover over the magnifying glass icon under Passphrase, you will see the passphrase you created. If you wish to remove the FERPA access for the proxy, you will select the red X.  You will be asked to confirm you want to remove the authorization.  Select OK to confirm.

NOTE: To protect the security of the personal passphrase created by the student, we will not email the passphrase. The student must communicate the passphrase directly with the person they gave FERPA access.

STEP 3:  First-Time Proxy Creates Proxy Account

If you have been designated as a proxy for the FIRST TIME at Rowan University, you will receive two emails:  one notifying you that you have been designated as a proxy, another providing you with your username (your email address) and a temporary password. You will be directed to a link where you will go to set up your account. 

You will be taken to the Banner Proxy sign in page.  Enter your email address as the username, then the initial, temporary password in the password field.  Select Sign In.  

You will be brought to a screen where you will change the initial password to a new, secure password of your choice.  Enter in your Email Address, the Initial Password that was assigned to you, a new, secure password, then re-enter that new, secure password. Select Submit

You will be brought back to the main Proxy Management screen.  This is where you will go each time you log in once you have created your account. You will see any students listed that have designated you as a Proxy. 

See Step 4 for directions for Established Proxy Access.

STEP 4:  Established Proxy Access

Once you have been designated a proxy by a Rowan University student and have created an account, you will be able to log in through the Proxy Access link on page.

Even if you were a proxy for a different student in the past, you will use the same Proxy account, including the username (your email address) and the password you created then.

Proxy Password Reset

If you cannot recall your password, you can select the Forgot Password link on the sign in page.  Directions will be sent to your email address on file.

Enter in your username (your email address) and password, then select Sign In.

When you log in for the first time, you will be asked to fill in your Proxy Personal Information and confirm it is up to date. Here you will be able to change your name, email address, phone number and you can also change your password by clicking the link in the upper right-hand corner.  If you make any changes, select the Submit button on the bottom of the screen.  If not, you can Cancel or select the Home breadcrumb link to return to the Home Proxy page.

You will see any students that you are a proxy for listed on this Home page.  When you select the drop down box next to their name, you will see what screens they have given you access to view.  If you have any questions about which screens you are able to view, reach out directly to the student.

Let's take a quick look at each screen, showing what you will be able to view if you have access to that particular page:

  1. Award Package: You will need to select the Award Package Aid Year.  Once you do, you will see the Cost of Attendance, Cumulative Loan Information and the Aid Awarded for the Year and the Term. PLEASE NOTE:  You may see notes on these pages that say to contact the financial aid office if you have any questions, but you will only be able to discuss with the office if you have been given FERPA access by the student.  These notes are actually for the student (as these are student screens).

    Select the Home breadcrumb link to return to the Home page.

  2. Award History: This screen shows the History of each Award Year for this student. 

    Select the Home breadcrumb link to return to the Home page.

  3. Week at a Glance: This screen displays the student's class schedule by day and time.  You can only view this page, not drill down through the hyperlinks to more course details as the note states for the student.

    Select the Home breadcrumb link to return to the Home page.

  4.  Financial Aid Status: Once you select the Aid Year, You will see a summary of the student's financial aid information for that year. You may or may not be able to drill down to see more details for the listed summary statements. 

    If you do drill down to another page, you can use the breadcrumb link to return either to the Financial Aid Status page, or back to the Home page.

  5. Student Grades: You can Select a Term or All Terms and then the Course Level.  You will see the GPA Summary, a list of courses and any Midterm and/or Final Grades recorded for the student.  If you select the Course Title or CRN number, you will be able to see more detailed information about that particular course. 

    This particular page does not have the Home breadcrumb to return to the Home page.  Simply select your browser's back button to return to the Home page.

  6. Student Holds: If the student has any holds on their account, you may be able to see it listed on this page.  You should be able to view the Hold Type and the Processes Affected by it.  NOTE:  Some holds are sensitive and may not display on the page.

    Select the Home breadcrumb link to return to the Home page.

Summary: Proxy access can be a helpful way for students to share their sensitive information with certain individuals.  Just keep in mind that proxies can only view the information in the Banner Proxy screens, and only have access to the screens that the student authorized.  Proxies will need to discuss with the student any questions about which screens they have access to, or if they wish to have FERPA access so they can discuss student information with Rowan University officials.