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Concur: Assistants/Travel Arrangers (Adding an Assistant/Travel Arranger, etc.)


18.0 - Updated on 10/16/23 by Pierce, Sheena

17.0 - Updated on 10/07/22 by Pierce, Sheena

16.0 - Updated on 10/07/22 by Meireles, Melissa

15.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

14.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

13.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

12.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

11.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

10.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

9.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

8.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

7.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

6.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

5.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

4.0 - Updated on 10/03/22 by Pierce, Sheena

3.0 - Updated on 08/31/22 by Pierce, Sheena


Assistant/Travel Arranger is an employee who is allowed to book travel in Concur on behalf of another employee. You can assign more than one travel arranger, but you can only have one primary assistant. Note: For the Assistant/Travel Arranger to book travel, they must also be added as a Delegate. To add an employee as a delegate, refer to the how to add a delegate knowledge base article.The Assistant/Travel Arranger will have access to the Request and Expense Report related to the travel. In this article, you will learn how to add an Assistant/Travel Arranger, edit or delete the Assistant/Travel Arranger, and book travel in Concur as an Assistant/Travel Arranger.

For more help with Concur, view the Concur training resource knowledge base article.

Before completing this task, you will need to: 

Table of Contents


Assistant/Travel Arranger

To Add an Assistant/Travel Arranger

  1. Go to Profile and select Profile Settings located on the top right corner of the Concur Home Page.
  2. Select Assistants/Arrangers under Travel Settings on the left side of the Profile Options page.
  3. Select + Add an Assistant.
  4. A new window will appear. Use the search field to type in the name or email address of the employee you wish to add as an Assistant/Travel Arranger.
  5. When the name appears, select the name.
  6. Under the search bar, you will see two permissions:
    • Can book travel for me (Travel Arranger) – the employee can book travel on your behalf and will receive email confirmations for the travel the arranger has booked.
    • Is my primary assistant for travel (Primary Assistant) – the employee can book travel for you, modify your user profile as needed, and receive travel email notifications in regards to your travel regardless of who made the reservation.
  7. Select the permission you wish to grant.
  8. Select Save.

To edit or delete an Assistant/Travel Arranger

  1. From the Assistants/Travel Arrangers page, select the trash can icon next to the person's name you would like to delete.
  2. To edit the person's permission, select the pencil icon.


Acting as an Assistant/Travel Arranger

  • By acting as an Assistant/Travel Arranger, you can book travel in Concur on behalf of another user if they have selected the "Online using Concur Travel" option in their Request.
  • In order to book travel on behalf of another user they have to add you as an assistant/travel arranger as well as a delegate.
  • A travel arranger may email plans to on behalf of a traveler. The arranger must include one of the traveler's registered email addresses in the subject line or in the first line of the email. The plans will be placed in the traveler's Trip Library, and will appear in Concur Mobile.


To Book travel in Concur as an Assistant/Travel Arranger

  1. Select Profile in the top right corner.
  2. Select the drop-down under "Acting as other user," and select the name of the person you would like to act as.
  3. Select Start Session.
  4. On the top right corner of the screen, you will see a green box that displays "Acting as" and shows the name of the employee you are acting on behalf of. You are now working on behalf of that person.
  5. Complete the process for Booking Online using Concur travel. Refer to the Knowledge Base article Booking Online using Concur Travel.
  6. Once booking is confirmed, you and the traveler will receive an email with itinerary details.

To return to acting as yourself, select Acting as on the top right corner of the screen and then select Done acting for others.


Additional Resources


If you have questions or need further assistance, please email