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Concur: Delegate (Adding a delegate, acting as a delegate)


6.0 - Updated on 10/23/23 by Pierce, Sheena

5.0 - Updated on 10/07/22 by Meireles, Melissa

4.0 - Updated on 10/04/22 by Pierce, Sheena

3.0 - Updated on 09/02/22 by Pierce, Sheena

2.0 - Updated on 09/01/22 by Pierce, Sheena


Delegates are an employee who is granted permission to act on behalf of another employee to perform tasks within Concur. Delegate permissions are for Request, Travel booking, and Expense. In this article, you will learn how to request/add a delegate, adding permissions for a delegate, and how to edit/delete a delegate.

For more help with Concur, view the Concur training resource knowledge base article.

Before completing this task, you will need to: 

Table of Contents



Request Delegates and Expense Delegates

To add a Delegate

  1. From the profile settings page, select Request Delegates on the left menu.
  2. You will see two tabs: Delegates and Delegate For. On the Delegates Tab, select Add.
  3. Use the search field to type in the name or email of the person you wish to add as a delegate.
  4. A list of names/emails will appear. Select the appropriate person.
  5. Check the boxes that correspond to the permissions you are granting the delegate. Note: By assigning permissions to a delegate, you are assigning permissions for Request and Expense. Review the list of travel and approver permissions in the next two sections before assigning and saving.

Traveler Permissions Available to Assign to a Delegate

  • Can Prepare – Allows the delegate to prepare Requests and Expense Reports on your behalf. However, the delegate cannot submit the Request/Expense Report.
  • Can View Receipts – Allows the delegate to view electronic receipts that the traveler has sent to Concur. This will automatically be checked when you select "Can prepare."
  • Receives Emails – The delegate receives a copy of email notifications. Note: It is recommended that you grant a delegate all permissions if you choose the "Can Prepare" permission.

Approver Permissions Available to Assign to a Delegate

  • Can Prepare – Allows the delegate to prepare Requests and Expense Reports on your behalf. However, the delegate cannot submit the Request/Expense Report.
  • Can View Receipts – Allows the delegate to view electronic receipts that the traveler has sent to Concur. This will automatically be checked when you select "Can Prepare."
  • Receives Emails – The delegate receives a copy of email notifications.
  • Can Approve – Allows the delegate to approve Requests and Expense Reports on the approver's behalf. Note: The approver's delegate with the approval role must have approval authority in Rowan University.
  • Can Approve Temporary – Grants approval permission to your delegate for a specific time period.
  • Can Preview for Approver – This can be used as an additional level of review before the approver reviews the Request/Expense Report. A previewer cannot approve but they can send it back to the traveler if something is missing/incorrect.
  • Receives Approval Emails – The delegate will be copied on emails about Requests and Expense Reports pending approval. Note: The screenshot above belongs to a manager who is a traveler and an approver in Concur.

6. Select Save. You will see "your changes have been saved" on your screen. The delegate can now log in into their Concur account and perform tasks on your behalf. Note: If you would like the delegate to book travel via Concur on your behalf, you will also need to add them as an Assistant/Travel Arranger. Refer to the Assistant/Travel Arranger Knowledge Base article

To Delete a User from your Delegate List 

  1. From the Request Delegates page, check the box to the left of the name of the person you want to delete.
  2.  Select the Delete button above the list of delegates.
  3. A new window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the selected delegate, select OK to confirm deletion.

 To View Who You are a Delegate for

  1. From the Request Delegates page, select the Delegate For tab.
  2. Review who has assigned you delegate permissions.
  3. You have the ability to remove yourself as the delegate for another person. Check the box next to the person's name then select delete. A new window will ask if you are sure you want to delete the selected delegate, select OK to confirm deletion.

Verify that the Delegates Auto-populate from the Request Delegates Section

  1. From the Profile Settings page, select Expense Delegates on the left menu.
  2. Review and adjust Delegate permissions as needed.


Acting as a Delegate

If you have been assigned to work as a delegate, your delegator has defined which tasks you can complete. Note: Refer to the who you are delegate for and permissions sections of this article.

To Work as a Delegate

  1. Select Profile and Profile Settings in the top right corner.
  2. Select the drop-down under "Act on behalf of another user," and select the name of the person you would like to act as. Note: If you do not see a user's name, they have not added you as a delegate.
  3. Select Start Session.
  4. On the top right corner of the screen, you will see a green box that displays "Acting as" and shows the name of the employee you are acting on behalf of. You are now working as a Delegate on behalf of that person.
  5. If you have been granted 'Prepare' permissions, complete the process for Creating a New Request or an Expense Report. However, the traveler must be the one to Submit the Request/Expense Report. To review the process, refer to the Creating a New Request and an Expense Report knowledgebase articles. Note: To email receipts on behalf of the employee you are the delegate for, you will need to verify your email address in the employee's profile. See the Verifying a Personal Email section of the Profile Set up knowledge base article.
  6. Once you have completed the Request or Expense Report, select Notify Employee.

    • The employee will be notified that their Request/Expense Report is ready for review. Once reviewed, they can submit the Request/Expense Report. 
    • To return to acting as yourself, select Acting as on the top right corner of the screen and then select Done acting for others.


Additional Resources


If you have questions or need further assistance, please email